Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride Treatment

Jun 01, 2021

Fluoride helps to protect the outer part of the tooth also known as the tooth enamel and this is why it is in toothpaste. Fluorides also help in combating all the bacteria that affect the tooth and gums. People whose teeth are the risk of getting decayed need fluoride to help prevent the formation of a cavity.

How Does a Fluoride Treatment Work?

If you want to get fluoride treatment for your child, visit a pediatric dentist in Martinsville or a kid’s dentist in Martinsville. These dentists are professionals and the very best in their craft. The fluoride used in fluoride treatment is more concentrated than the ones present in toothpaste. This is why a fluoride treatment does a more thorough cleaning than toothpaste and toothbrush will do. The fluoride is treatment can come in form of a mouth rinse, a foam, gel, or varnish and they are not used directly on the mouth. They are usually applied to the teeth using any of a swab, brush, tray or mouthwash. You apply the treatment to your mouth for a few minutes and you will be asked not to eat or drink anything for about an hour so that the fluoride can take effect on the teeth.

if you visit your dentist, depending on the condition of your teeth, your dentist can refer you to an emergency pediatric dentist in Martinsville. Your doctor (this includes all medical practitioners including your dentist) is not someone that you should lie to about your health. Always let your dentist know about your medical history so that they can know the best treatment to recommend for you.

For children, insurance pays fully covers the expenses accrued in fluoride treatments, just visit any kids dentist in 24112 with your insurance card. However, as an adult, if you are getting fluoride treatment, you might have to pay around $15 to $35 or even more depending on the dentist or the clinic. The price of fluoride treatment varies from one clinic to another and from one dentist to another, so always make sure that you confirm the price of the fluoride treatment before you do it so that you do not spend beyond your budget.

When And Why You Need Fluoride Treatment

The number of times that you get fluoride treatment depends on the condition of your oral cavity, so it will vary from one person to another although the American Dental Association (ADA) endorse that you should visit your dentist’s office for fluoride treatment once every three, six, or twelve months. As said earlier, the rate at which you visit the dentist for fluoride treatment will depend on the condition of your oral cavity. If the condition of your oral cavity is worse, your dentist might recommend using a special fluoride at home so you do not have to come to the office every week.

Fluoride helps to fight against cavities in your teeth so you need fluoride treatment when you are doing things that expose you to the risk of cavities. Some of the things that can cause cavities are; poor oral hygiene, bad diet, drug or alcohol abuse, weak enamel, amongst others. Fluoride is contained in some of the food that we eat such as tea, water, fish bones, etc. It is recommended that infants below the age of three should not take more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride daily. For children between the ages of 4 to 10 years, the maximum daily intake of fluoride should not be more than 2.5 milligrams. For people above the age of 10, the daily intake of fluoride should not be more than 4 milligrams per day.

Fluorides help to make the tooth stronger and halt the growth of bacteria in the mouth. However, despite these advantages, the daily intake of fluoride should be controlled. For children, apply a small fluoride toothpaste on their toothbrush. You can use a bigger size but whether it is a child or an adult, it is wrong to swallow toothpaste. If you child has swallowed a large amount of toothpaste, take them to see a kids dentist near you for proper dental care.

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